Statistics indicate that the average employee misses 8-9 days of work each year due to a breakdown of childcare arrangements. To quantify this cost, this could mean a cost to you (of one staff member) of $2,153.84 in staff sick leave/paid leave (*based on an average salary of $70,000 pa.).
We could help you save thousands of dollars a year. At Rockmybaby® we have solutions to decreasing this cost and offering business benefits. We have trained staff members in consultative solutions who can discuss how to reduce the costs associated with staff and childcare.
Benefits we can offer you and your staff:
Many business owners have no idea what childcare issues are happening in their business. We can uncover and point out these issues, support you to dollarise the associated costs, and then put together a permanent solution to reduce these costs. Your business may have little or no financial investment, in getting access to these insights.
Our total childcare services offers several flexible options to ensure parents can have an lternative for work and life balances. Our corporate childcare solution experts will talk with you about the issues surrounding your staff childcare issues and look to put plans together that guarantee positive outcomes to increase your overall productivity.
The cost and time of training new staff due to maternity leave and childcare challenges is a huge worry to many business owners. Even more so, if those leaving are your key training staff! We will help you to retain those key staff that you can’t afford to lose. At any given time, 42.2% of employees with children are actively looking for a more flexible job that can manage work and personal life. Rockmybaby® can reduce this statistic.
Statistics say that it costs your business 137% of a staff member’s salary when they leave. This is made up of recruitment time, training costs/time, lost productivity, possibly even lost clients. Can you afford this? Why not invest this $ figure into your business and future-proof your key investments - retaining quality staff? We can increase your recruitment toolbox for attracting and retaining quality staff by working with you to put together your personalised business childcare related packages, whether you are a big multi-national or small local business.
Many of our services mean that your staff might be eligible to access government subsidies to reduce the cost of care. We will do all the work to ensure they know what they are eligible for.
*Resources on statistics: Childcare & parent productivity: Making the Business Case - Karen Shellenback. Workplace solutions for childcare - Karen Hein & Naomi Cassirer.
Statistics indicate that the average employee misses 8-9 days of work each year due to a breakdown of childcare arrangements. To quantify this cost, this could mean a cost to you (of one staff member) of $2,153.84 in staff sick leave/paid leave (*based on an average salary of $70,000 pa.).
We could help you save thousands of dollars a year. At Rockmybaby® we have solutions to decreasing this cost and offering business benefits. We have trained staff members in consultative solutions who can discuss how to reduce the costs associated with staff and childcare.
Benefits we can offer you and your staff:
Many business owners have no idea what childcare issues are happening in their business. We can uncover and point out these issues, support you to dollarise the associated costs, and then put together a permanent solution to reduce these costs. Your business may have little or no financial investment, in getting access to these insights.
Our total childcare services offers several flexible options to ensure parents can have an lternative for work and life balances. Our corporate childcare solution experts will talk with you about the issues surrounding your staff childcare issues and look to put plans together that guarantee positive outcomes to increase your overall productivity.
The cost and time of training new staff due to maternity leave and childcare challenges is a huge worry to many business owners. Even more so, if those leaving are your key training staff! We will help you to retain those key staff that you can’t afford to lose. At any given time, 42.2% of employees with children are actively looking for a more flexible job that can manage work and personal life. Rockmybaby® can reduce this statistic.
Statistics say that it costs your business 137% of a staff member’s salary when they leave. This is made up of recruitment time, training costs/time, lost productivity, possibly even lost clients. Can you afford this? Why not invest this $ figure into your business and future-proof your key investments - retaining quality staff? We can increase your recruitment toolbox for attracting and retaining quality staff by working with you to put together your personalised business childcare related packages, whether you are a big multi-national or small local business.
Many of our services mean that your staff might be eligible to access government subsidies to reduce the cost of care. We will do all the work to ensure they know what they are eligible for.
*Resources on statistics: Childcare & parent productivity: Making the Business Case - Karen Shellenback. Workplace solutions for childcare - Karen Hein & Naomi Cassirer.