When placing a babysitting booking/s you will be required to pay our agency fee by visa/mastercard.
If you experience any problems with the credit card payment and are unable to proceed with a babysitting booking, you can call your local regional managers office or 0800 ROCKMYBABY® to pay by internet banking .
To pay by internet banking please contact your local area office by email or view regional bank account details below.
Invoices will be emailed to your email address and you have the option of paying by Mastercard and Visa or internet banking.
When placing a babysitting booking/s you will be required to pay our agency fee by visa/mastercard.
If you experience any problems with the credit card payment and are unable to proceed with a babysitting booking, you can call your local regional managers office or 0800 ROCKMYBABY® to pay by internet banking .
To pay by internet banking please contact your local area office by email or view regional bank account details below.
Invoices will be emailed to your email address and you have the option of paying by Mastercard and Visa or internet banking.